Breaking Into a Locked Door


Welcome to Locksmith Monkey, your ultimate resource for all things related to door security and entry methods. In this comprehensive guide, we will provide you with expert tips and techniques on how to break into a locked door. Please note that these methods should only be used in legal and emergency situations, and we strongly discourage any unauthorized or unlawful activities.

Understanding the Basics

Before we dive into the various techniques, it's crucial to understand the basics of door lock mechanisms. Most residential doors are equipped with either a cylinder lock or a deadbolt lock. Cylinder locks are commonly found in doorknobs, while deadbolt locks offer enhanced security with a bolt that extends into the door frame.

Method 1: Lock Picking

One of the most widely used and effective methods of breaking into a locked door is lock picking. This technique requires expertise and the right tools. Locksmiths often use a tension wrench and a lock pick set consisting of various picking tools.

Step 1: Inserting the Tension Wrench

Begin by inserting the tension wrench into the bottom of the keyway, applying gentle tension in the direction you would turn the key to unlock the door.

Step 2: Using the Lock Pick

Select a suitable lock pick tool from your set and insert it above the tension wrench, feeling for the individual pins inside the lock. Gently push the pins upward while maintaining tension with the wrench.

Step 3: Raking the Lock

If you're having trouble with individual pin placement, try a raking technique using a rake pick. Rake picks are designed to manipulate multiple pins simultaneously, increasing the chances of unlocking the door.

Step 4: Opening the Door

Once all the pins are set and the lock cylinder turns freely, use the tension wrench to rotate the cylinder in the direction to unlock the door. With the right technique and practice, lock picking can be a reliable method for breaking into a locked door.

Method 2: Bypassing with a Credit Card

Another commonly used method for bypassing a locked door is using a credit card or a similar flexible card. This technique works effectively on spring bolt locks.

Step 1: Choosing the Right Card

Select a card that is sturdy enough to withstand the force applied during the process. Thin and flexible cards, such as old credit cards or ID cards, tend to work best for this method.

Step 2: Inserting the Card

Slide the card between the door frame and the strike plate, positioning it above the latch on the side of the door with the lock. Ensure the card is angled and oriented towards the location of the latch.

Step 3: Applying Pressure

Apply downward pressure on the card while simultaneously pushing and wiggling the door handle. The goal is to compress the spring bolt and release it from the strike plate, allowing the door to open.

Step 4: Opening the Door

Continue applying pressure and manipulating the handle until the latch retracts entirely into the door, freeing the door to open. This method requires some practice to master, but it can be an effective way of bypassing certain types of locks.

Method 3: Lock Bumping

Lock bumping is a technique commonly used by locksmiths but can also be exploited by unauthorized individuals. It involves using a specially crafted bump key to manipulate the pins inside the lock.

Step 1: Preparing the Bump Key

Obtain a bump key that matches the specific keyway of the lock you wish to bypass. A bump key is a modified key with evenly spaced cuts on all sides. It allows the transfer of force from a bump tool to the pins in the lock.

Step 2: Inserting and Bumping the Key

Insert the bump key into the keyway and withdraw it slightly by one notch. Apply a quick and forceful bump to the key, using a hammer or a bumping tool, to transfer energy through the key and into the pins.

Step 3: Rotating the Cylinder

In many cases, the sudden impact caused by the bump force will momentarily separate the pins, enabling the cylinder to rotate freely. Use a tension wrench to apply slight turning pressure on the cylinder and rotate it to unlock the door.


Congratulations on becoming familiar with various methods of breaking into a locked door. Remember, these techniques should only be used in legal and emergency situations or by professionals in the locksmith industry. Locksmith Monkey is committed to maintaining security standards and ensuring the safety of individuals and properties. If you find yourself locked out or require assistance with door security, please contact our professional locksmiths for reliable and authorized services.


Tushar Desai

Great tips for emergency situations